Sondre Justad
Sondre Justad is one of Norway’s best-selling artists and an outstanding live performer.Festivals and concert halls fill up everywhere he performs. He performed at Sørøyrocken on Sørøya in Finnmark in 2017. There was also Hermes II. And that is how sweet music is created.
Sørøyrocken – a unique festival
Sørøyrocken is a relatively small, but unique festival that takes place every year on the last weekend in July. An audience of around 700 is the daily capacity of the concert hall at Tørrfiskloftet, and the 3-day festival is sold out several months in advance.
Much more than just another festival
What is unique about Sørøyrocken is not just that major artists want to play at the small festival, but also the fantastic surroundings and all the offerings outside the concerts. Here you can pick and choose from local food specialities, small intimate concerts and lectures, art in all shapes and sizes, a festival camp, boat trips and wonderful fishing and nature experiences. There is a lot to choose from.

Live video
Hermes II has a close connection to the area and for many years its home port was in the neighbouring Bergsfjord. It has therefore been natural for the boat to be present and take trips with festival guests, bands and artists. In 2017, Sondre Justad came on board with his band, both to enjoy the trip with the old cutter and to record a live video.
The song is called Lovte dæ – I Promised You – and you can hear it in full by playing it in the window at the top of the article. Enjoy!